Financial Matters

At RJS Family Law, we are highly experienced in dealing with all types of financial matters affecting you and your family to include:

  • Divorce

  • Separation

  • Child maintenance

Financial Issues Concerning Divorce and Separation

When you divorce or separate, it can be difficult to know where to start with regards to financial matters concerning you home, savings, pensions, cars, jewellery and investment policies.

The Court has the power to make certain orders on divorce and these can include awarding a lump sum, the transfer of properties, pension sharing orders and / or spousal maintenance.

Your friends and family may have scared you with tales of expensive court proceedings and it might be that your partner has control of all the finances. You might have tried to talk to the other half with little success. However, RJS Family Law will help you make sense of everything and assist you in sorting everything out.

We can look into various options, to include mediation, between you and your ex partner in order to resolve the situation.